New Challenges
Along with writing stories and poetry, I have been wandering off into different fields of writing. One medium that I've been trying to tackle lately is scripwriting. Now, I'm the world's biggest amateur at the moment. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of the process (thank God for programs like Final Draft, which I heavily recommend if you're just getting started). But it's definitely a very fun experience.
I thought I would struggle at first with actually filling an entire script (They say you should shoot for around 100-120 pages, since 1 page is supposed to translate to 1 minute on screen), but it's actually been surprisingly easy.
The script doesn't have a good working title at the moment, at least not one I'm inclined to share. The story is about the many ways that we try to grow up as kids, and the wreckage we leave behind in the process.
I thought I would struggle at first with actually filling an entire script (They say you should shoot for around 100-120 pages, since 1 page is supposed to translate to 1 minute on screen), but it's actually been surprisingly easy.
Noah is driving on the highway. Dawn is sitting in the passenger seat beside him fiddling with her cellphone. Keli is in the backseat. Led Zeppelin’s Heartbreaker is on the radio.KELI
Noah, can’t we put something better on?
Come on, pleaaase? I’m supposed to be the
one getting her way here.
Keli, my dear, I would put something better on if
it existed. But this is Zeppelin. Better music
doesn’t exist.
You’re so gay.
Noah’s not gay, Keli. He’s just a hippie.
Doesn’t that make him sort of gay?
No, just sort of socially deficient.
Hey, I’m sitting right here!
Noah reaches over and turns the radio up a little bit. Dawn just chuckles and goes back to texting on her phone. Keli slouches back in her seat.KELI
I liked you better when you listened to N’Sync.
I never listened to N’Sync.
Oh you are such a liar. You had their pocket folders.
You just keep quiet.
I told you he was gay.
I can make you walk, you know. I am driving this car.
You wouldn’t do that to me.
Noah switches lanes quickly and starts to reduce his speed as he veers off toward the shoulder.KELI (CONT'D)
The script doesn't have a good working title at the moment, at least not one I'm inclined to share. The story is about the many ways that we try to grow up as kids, and the wreckage we leave behind in the process.